You are trying to reach the REDCap application from a network that has no access to REDCap.
Please read the information below to solve the problem.

The REDCap application on

can only be reached from

  1. the Ghent University Hospital network, Artemis & /
  2. the Ghent University network & Athena
  3. selected collaborating research institution for multi-center studies

For multi-center trials

If your research institution should have access, please

  • verify you’re working from within the network of the research institution
    (e.g. by using a VPN, Citrix or RDP when working from home)
  • look up your current IP address (
  • let us know
  1. on which network you’re surfing,
  2. your current IP address
  3. which research institution you work for,
  4. and which project you’re trying to reach

If you encounter problems with getting access to the application, please contact