UZ Gent have launched an online research portal for all registrations/requests for clinical trials.

This research portal is achieved through a collaboration between the Health, innovation and Research Institute (HIRUZ), Medical Ethics Committee of Ghent University (Hospital) and the ICT department of UZ Gent.

Hans De Pla | Coordinator Research Portal
Loes Coucke | Coordinator Research Portal


All submissions for academic and industry-sponsored research and academic biobanks will from now on only be submitted by researchers via the research portal. Depending on the necessary parameters, the necessary approval flows will be initiated.
From now on, the following requests should be handled through the portal:

  • Studies + amendments
  • Academic prospective research biobanks + amendments
  • Bachelor’s, master’s theses and Master after Master’s theses
  • Adding student(s) to ongoing studies

Do note that the legally required reporting, e.g. the start and end of study, will to go via the portal.

In a next phase, the ongoing studies will also be added to the portal. The preparation and handling of contract requests and contract follow-up via the portal will follow.

Practical changes

  • The submission of new studies and contracts will only be possible via the research portal and no longer via e-mail.
  • The current application forms (document A/B/C/D/E/F) will be deleted and replaced by a series of questions in the online application form.
  • The cover letter will be deleted. The (necessary) attachments need to be uploaded in the portal (including the necessary data such as version number/version date/language/…)
  • The ‘wet ink’ signatures of the principal investigator and head of department/faculty are no longer required. After submitting they will have to give their “approval” for the application form in the portal.
  • The persons involved who are mentioned in the application form (applicant/principal investigator/researchers/employees/students/contact person sponsor/… ), will be able to monitor the status of the file (after registration and/or login). This will increase transparency considerably.

Acces to the portal

Employees of UZ Gent will automatically be able to log in to the portal via their usual log-in data.
Employees of UGent, external users & students will have to register to gain access to the portal.

Instructions can be found on the ethics committee’s website:

Updates regarding the new functionalities will be communicated continuously. Later this year, we will examine the need for and the functionalities of a service environment per study (CTMS function) in order to be able to centralise all information concerning a study.

Technical questions regarding the portal can be sent to
Content-related questions/remarks concerning the submission or follow-up of existing or new applications can still be submitted to the relevant service: or