FWO – Call 2025 – Medium-scale and large-scale research infrastructure

  • Post category:Funding Open

Large-scale: Research infrastructure comprises all facilities and sources that promote the performance of cross-border and strategic basic research across all scientific disciplines. Besides scientific infrastructure, this includes collections, natural habitats, corpora and databases (including digital opening up).

Large-scale research infrastructure is defined as research infrastructure with a total subsidy cost excl. co-financing of at least EUR 1,000,000 (including the non-refundable portion of VAT).

Medium-Scale: Research infrastructure comprises all facilities and sources that promote the performance of cross-border and strategic basic research across all scientific disciplines. Besides scientific infrastructure, this includes collections, natural habitats, corpora and databases (including digital opening up).

Medium scale research infrastructure is defined as research infrastructure with a total subsidy cost excl. co-funding of at least EUR 150,000 and at most EUR 1,000,000 (including VAT).

Budget: medium-scale – 150.000 up to 1.000.000 euro / large-scale – > 1.000.000 euro
Deadline: 18 September 2025

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