Thinking commercial during drug discovery and development – 23 May 2024

  • Post category:Past Events

During this session our speakers will discuss their views on the importance of ascertaining early how health interventions will potentially add value in the future marketplace. Developers need to consider all the stakeholders — patients, prescribers and payors. Having a clear picture may help guide business decisions and business development opportunities.

Within Johnson & Johnson Innovative Medicine the Target Product Profile (TPP) is the go-to document describing the end-goal. The TPP is a concise communication tool designed to demonstrate key value drivers and attributes of the intended product. Our speakers will discuss what this document looks like and how it helps guide prioritization and decision making.

Throughout discovery and development, start-ups can work together with many collaborators and partners such as investors, R&D collaborators, and service providers. During a panel discussion we will hear from different stakeholders how the TPP could help start-ups and their collaborators stay focused and aligned.

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