IOF funding can be applied at crucial stages of the development track of valorization-oriented projects to offer valuable support to research results/technology with clear value-adding potential. A ConcepTT project can encompass the exploration of an innovative concept, as a first step towards demonstrating a technological feasibility or existing market need. StarTT projects form the transition from traditional funding channels for scientific research to the application-oriented development of a valorization project. Advanced projects offer substantial funding for the maturation of technology or unique knowledge by supplying technical and industrial proof-of-concept and making them marketable. Stepstone projects will preferably be applied for to incubate spin-off oriented projects. ConnecTT projects have a collaboration between at least 2 AUGent association partners.
Budget: ConcepTT: €100.000 for 1-1.5 years, StarTT: €200.000 for 1-2 years, Advanced: €350.000 for 2 years, Stepstone: €650.000 for 3 years, ConecTT: €100.000 per partner for 1-2 years | Deadline StarTT-ConcepTT-ConnecTT: 31/02/22 and 25/04/22, Advanced-Stepstone: 10/03/22