With the PhD fellowship program fundamental research, the FWO aims to support early-stage researchers in their development into independent researchers by giving them the opportunity to carry out their own scientifically challenging and innovative research project in view of obtaining a PhD.
Thanks to the collaboration and support of Meise Botanic Garden, INBO, VITO and the Flanders Hydraulics Research, the FWO can award additional PhD fellowships fundamental research. More information and conditions can be found on the links under the institutions.As part of the ’Kom op tegen Kanker’ campaign, the FWO awards an additional PhD fellowship fundamental research for the top-ranked candidate in the Med4 – Cancer Research panel.
Thanks to the support of the Demoucelle Parkinson Charity, the FWO can award again the FWO – Demoucelle Parkinson Charity PhD fellowship to a promising young researcher conducting biomedical research on Parkinson’s disease. The procedures for participation are outlined here.
Budget: €2.460/month and €3.720/jaar bench fee
Deadline: 03 March 2025 (5PM CET)