KCE Trials 2023 investigator-led call

What and for who?
The KCE Trials programme focuses on pragmatic and practice-oriented clinical studies which show comparative effectiveness and clear value for money by a potential return on investment. Those studies compare two treatment options (with ‘no treatment’ being one of the possible treatment options) that are already in use in clinical practice in a given indication, but are not yet sufficiently directly compared (i.e. which of the two treatment options work best in daily practice). Accepted study interventions are not limited to drugs or medical devices but also include a broad range of interventions, such as psychotherapy, diet, diagnostic tests, surgery or ways to deliver health care.

Support of HIRUZ
Investigators with a research proposal will have the support of the Clinical Trial Unit (CTU) of Health, Innovation and Research Institute (HIRUZ) to submit and perform the proposed clinical trial. For more information and support, please contact HIRUZ CTU via Hélène De Naeyer (Helene.denaeyer@uzgent.be or 09/332.05.05).

Deadline: 26th September 2023

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