Koning Boudewijnstichting – Research into the pathobiology of hematological cancers
Research into the pathobiology of hematological cancers with an aim to advanced treatment. Budget: €…
Research into the pathobiology of hematological cancers with an aim to advanced treatment. Budget: €…
Met deze oproep wil het Fonds Van Mulders-Moonens: 1) de belemmeringen en hefbomen voor het…
Call for organizations interested in contributing to the development of a primary care support offer.…
Encourage primary care actors to make the shift to targeted care and support. Budget: €…
Develop new or enhanced forms of cooperation among front-line actors. Budget: € 500 - 30.000Deadline:…
Improved communication, information and guidance to patients and their loved ones. Budget: € 10.000 -…
Project call committed to improving knowledge about health data to encourage their critical use and…
Springboard grant to help talented postdoctoral researchers in applied research in primary care to launch…
Support to research in the field of private insurances for the benefit of victims of…
Focus on projects addressing mental health issues of vulnerable young people (ages 15 to 24)…