Stichting tegen Kanker – Mandaten in translationeel en klinisch kankeronderzoek 2023
This call is for researchers working in a Belgian university hospital who wish to devote…
This call is for researchers working in a Belgian university hospital who wish to devote…
With this call, JEZ!, together with the FWO, wants to support fundamental scientific research on…
This call is intended for young researchers (maximum 40 years of age at the application…
Voor beloftevolle wetenschappers die zeer gespecialiseerd kankeronderzoek doen en geen steun van de overheid krijgen,…
Every year, 'Kom op tegen Kanker' issues a thematic call for prevention projects. In 2023,…
For the 2023 call, the scope is: “Research aimed at improving the diagnosis and the…
Baekeland mandates offer researchers the opportunity to carry out a PhD in close collaboration with…
Call for projects that promote healthy eating habits and adequate physical activity in children and…
In 2023, the Research Foundation – Flanders (FWO) and the Fonds de la Recherche Scientifique-FNRS…
This first transnational call addresses the cardiovascular diseases thematic, and is more specifically focussed on…