What is a biospecimen?
Human biospecimens are defined as any biological material taken from a human individual for diagnostic…
What is a biobank?
A biobank is a repository for human body material such as blood, tissue, urine and…
End of trial reporting: who is responsible?
End of trial (i.e. the last visit of the last patient – LPLV) needs to…
Do I need to prepare a final report?
Within a year after the end of trial (i.e. the last visit of the last…
Who is the insurance policyholder of a trial?
The sponsor is, even without fault, liable for all inflicted damages to the participant (or…
What is the procedure for EC approval of a multicenter trial?
If your trial is conducted at various locations, approval by the EC for each participating…
Do responses to comments need to be submitted via HIRUZ CTU?
For any comments, additional questions or approval from the Ethics Committee, the Ethics Committee will…
What are “health professions”?
Professions in the field of medicine, dentistry, physiotherapy, nursing, midwife, ambulance, and paramedical professions are…
How can I register my trial on ClinicalTrials.gov?
For trials sponsored by the Ghent University Hospital or Ghent University, HIRUZ CTU creates a…