Academy Award for Clinical Scientific Research in Medicine I
Budget: 2.500 €Deadline: 31 March 2023 More information
Budget: 2.500 €Deadline: 31 March 2023 More information
About to complete your PhD? Fund Orcadia helps you launch your scientific career on the…
This call is only open to applicants who can submit an admissible FWO PhD Fellowship…
The federal government offers the possibility to exceptionally extend tax-exempt doctoral scholarships coming to the…
Because we want to encourage knowledge sharing, we organise an annual Research Day for all…
Researchers from UGent, UZ Gent, imec and VIB will present break-through research on topics of…
A prestigious award to encourage groundbreaking research in rare diseases in Belgium for a better…
Call for projects to provide patients with a rare or complex cancer the best multidisciplinary…
The Demoucelle Parkinson Charity is therefore committed to finance one PhD fellowship in fundamental research…
IOF project funding can be applied at crucial stages of the development track of valorization-oriented…