Research portal inaccessible due to maintenance (4, 5 Oct 2023)
On Wednesday 4 October 2023 and Thursday 05 October 2023, an update of the research…
On Wednesday 4 October 2023 and Thursday 05 October 2023, an update of the research…
Hoe voeren we Fase I klinische oncologische studies uit in het UZ Gent? Donderdag 28…
Geachte UZ collega’s, Graag vragen we jullie aandacht voor volgend nieuws ivm. de aanpak van…
Voor UZ Gent medewerkers die betrokken zijn bij de patiëntenzorg in de brede zin, die wetenschappelijk onderzoek…
Prof. dr. Catherine Van Der Straeten will be on Emeritus from 1th July 2023.Catherine Van…
Register NOW for the e-Procurement newsletter and don't miss a single call from federal, state…
The Medical Ethics Committee of the University Hopsital Ghent is holding a submission stop from…
An introduction to the Clinical Trial Regulation (CTR) 24 April 2023 11:30 - 13:00 Aim:…
Info sessions (Dutch) will be organised at the following times: Thursday 16 March 2023 from…
UZ Gent has established a new departement, the Human Body Materials. This department combines several…